A devotee gives his perspective on the meaning of destiny.
What is Destiny?
According to a devotee of Maharaji Kripalu, destiny means the fruits of actions performed in previous lives. It is a law of nature that every action has a reaction. Virtuous actions beget virtuous fruits, and evil actions, evil. There are two schools of thought; one believing in Destiny, the other, in Free Will. The truth is that Destiny and Free will are one and the same. Actions you performed in previous lives with a free will, are today known as your Destiny, just as actions being performed by you in the present life will be known as Destiny in the next.
There are three kinds of actions: Accumulated actions, Destiny-creating actions, and Actions we are free to perform in the present. There are countless accumulated actions, and only some of them have shaped your present life. Since you have no way of knowing how much of your life is molded by your previous actions and how much by present, do not be obsessed with thoughts of destiny.
Out of 8,400,000 varieties of living beings, humans are the only children of God who have been granted the privilege of performing fruit-bearing actions. Since you cannot undo what you have done already, stop crying over destiny and focus instead on the actions you are free to perform in this life, for they will be called your destiny in the future.
You have tremendous power. All other creatures, including heavenly gods, envy what you have: the power to create your own destiny.